Tong and Rita are in town again to attend to several family functions. Like all Balikbayans, it was a time for the two to catch up on the many local things that immigrants miss while they are busy earning Dollars in ole’ USA. For Tong it was Golf with Cord and Dinky. From Tong's stories when I saw him, I surmise there were other more inebriating activities he did with his relatives. For Rita, it was a chance to be with her mother and relations again . . and maybe shopping. Rita sees her 95 year old Mom in Marikina at least once a year. Last week, Rita and Tong went to Boracay where they attended a wedding. Boracay will always be a nice place where everyone is sure to enjoy.
Upon their return from Boracay last Sunday, a CAFA reunion was held at Oni’s house in QC. The couple just had time to land at the airport and take in a mass service before proceeding to the party. Dinky, Milou, Tycel, Alex, Cord and his friend Edcel (Ledesma) came for the get together. Of course, Bili and Oni were there by default. For the other CAFAs who did not make it that night, it must be a hectic December season.
As usual for CAFAs, the conversation over dinner centered around bawdy adult things. When asked about his love life, Alex insisted on making a distinction between his love life and his sex life. This idea caused Tycel to cover her ears while listening to the shameless CAFAs. At one time during a discussion of shoe size, Oni expressed his amazement that his feet continue to lengthen. And then it was too late - I should have known that a statement like this wont get past the guys without a wisecrack. Tong mentioned that it was the only thing in Oni that grew (long) and that’s why he is into footsies now over other related exercises. And finally, when the scotch whiskey was proving difficult to extract from the bottle due to the bib tip, Cord said the technique of pouring is wrong. He somberly said it should be gripped and shaken like . . you know what.
After dinner, it was singing time. I thought that the Tiongco Brothers plus 1 (Dinky, Tong, Alex and Oni) sounded real good doing the CAFA standards. Puede na! Later on Cord and Edcel showed that they also knew the songs and boisterously sang along. It was fun. After exhausting the CAFA music, it was a pleasant surprise to see Edcel take to the piano. He dared anyone to sing a Beatles number that he will accompany on the piano. Between songs, the group discussed the possible reunion in the USA. For the information of Bess, Tong is seriously honing up on his rendition of Remember Me (with his custom M1). He plans to master Rom Byrom's rendition and deliver this soaring ballad in that reunion. Meanwhile, Oni is working on his MTV experiment (for one of his songs) that he hopes to finish hopefully in time for the next CAFA reunion. By the way, Delfa is scheduled to be in the USA San Francisco area in April next year. Maybe that elusive reunion can be held then.
Mansyon Isang Musikal
6 years ago