It couldn’t have happened to a nicer person. In the opening ceremonies of Nore’s art show, no less than the President of the Cultural Center of the Philippines praised the art of Nore Lim. He acknowledged the technique, breadth and width of Nore’s prints that have been shared with art audiences in NY, Europe and other continents (Latin America, China, etc.). In her own speech, Nore reminisced that as a young artist in the 60s, she marveled at the grand exhibit hall of the CCP and never thought that one day she would be exhibiting there.
But tonight, February 17, 2011, UP CAFA’s Nore Lim held her art exhibit ‘Full Circle’ at the CCP. A large crowd of esteemed personalities that included politicians and national artists came in to see the show. Associates from NYC and Canada flew in to share the night with Nore. Nore’s family (including her in-law from Philadelphia) and childhood friends were of course there. And then there was the supportive CAFA gang who were artists themselves. The CAFA guys were Pearl and Vic Ortega, Cecille Ascalon, Alice Jose, Jess Abrera, Nick Ricio, Bong Bongalon, Maribel Coching, Adi Baens, Myrna Ramos and others (that escape me for the moment).
Lastly, the CAFASingers were there as usual. Prodded by the naughty Fine Arts group to join Raul Sunico at centerstage (Raul played Debussy’s Arabesque on the grand piano to highlight Nore’s lacework series) the CAFASingers haughtily declined. The CAFASingers said they doubted whether the multi-awarded international classical pianist Raul knew the chords of ‘Cherish’. The funny CAFASingers there that night were Tong and Rita, Oni Mayo, Rody Picar, Alex Villaflor and Dero Pedero.
And so it came to past that Nore has gone full circle with a major show in her own country. Lest I forget, it was typical of Nore to think of her infant grandson even in this moment of triumph. She addressed Alex and Claire’s first in her speech as the real work of art in her life. Congratulations Nore from all of us and we would have you know that we enjoyed the canapés and the usual classy presentation of your work in the big hall.
See slide show for more photos
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