The indefatigable globe-trotting Nore Lim is back in town for the umpteenth time this year. As far as Nore is concerned, Asia is just a suburb of NY. This time, she was invited by Citigroup Singapore and Manila to deliver a talk to officials of the bank. This is an effort to widen the field of knowledge and awareness of employees. It is part of a new approach to management adapted by some big companies.
Nore is in Manila for only a few days but Oni managed to convinced her to forego a dinner with family for an hour's CAFA chat with him. It was a sudden thing with not enough time to gather CAFAs. The two had dinner instead at a Japanese restaurant in AVenue - a new place along Makati Avenue. So what's to talk to about having just come from the PMS CAFA reunion? The next reunion of course!
It's inspiring to hear Gerry Idol offering his home State for the next big one. Of course, just like the venue for the Olympics or the FIFA World Cup, other CAFA friends who would like to have a chance to host are welcome to contest Gerry's offer (though Milwaukee really sounds good). How about it - East Coast or San Francisco guys? This is your chance to bug Gerry about how much greater is your home state compared to his. I recommend past hosts and organizers Ely, Sara and Dinky to be members of the official CAFA Committee for Reunion Sites.
While Nore is leaving Phl tomorrow for the US, she will be back in November and December. Nore is setting up for another exhibit with her new powerpack artist group. This group is the AIAE consisting of BenCab and Orlina among some other notable guys. AIAE stands for the Asian International Art Exhibition. This is a rolling exhibit that was last held in Korea this year. (Nore almost missed the PMS reunion on account of her commitment to AIAE.) During the Christmas holidays, I understand she will be spending time with Claire's family in Bali.
See slide show for more photos.
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