Sunday, July 8, 2012

CAFA Whirl

At the art exhibit in LRI Bldg. in Makati last Friday, a group of artists joined forces to make COMBINE – an exhibition of their current works. Pearl, Vic and Oni were there for one reason – Nore is exhibiting again. Nore had a set of three artworks in the show that signifies a new series of her latest work.

Technically, the prevailing theme consisted of mixed-media over collage background.  This theme was inspired by the works of Raushenberg, the NY print master.  Nore’s contribution is essentially giclee collage work that subtly depicts memorable experiences in her life. The titles of her three works are:  Love letters; Ode to Love; and Cherished Memories.  One painting flashed words of her father to her. The other showed words of friends. Particularly for "Love Letters", I think I have a notion of  who may have contributed to the material of memorable words in it. (Try to make out the background words in the canvass to understand what I mean). 

Congratulations to Nore on another successful exhibit. The exhibit was not only educational for me (yet one more time) but the nice ‘eats’ and drink was also my dinner that night.

See slide show for more photos.

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